Our next Summer Reading Survey respondent is Sequential reader Simon MacDonald. Please send us your own list.

Here are my answers:

1) Simon Mac Donald, Software Engineer.
2) Nothing to hype as I’m not a writer, just an avid reader.
3) The last 5 books I’ve read are: The Execution Channel by Ken
McLeod, Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips, A Gentleman’s Game by
Greg Rucka, How to Read Superhero Comics and Why by Geoff Klock and
Naruto Vol 8. I keep an update list of my books at
4) The next big event I’m attending may be the Toronto Comic Con but
I’m going to the Comic Geek Speak Super Show
(http://www.comicpodcasting.com/cgsss/) for sure in September.

Simon Mac Donald

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/simonmacdonald
Shelfari: http://www.shelfari.com/SimonMacDonald