More incredible links about the incredible Toronto Comic Art Festival:
More photos from Dr. Squid, Day 2
Ryan’s Disneyland Autograph sketchbook
Ty Buttars says TCAF 2009 should be called “the Tatsumi show”
TCAF guest and manga blogger Deb Aoki has a full report and photo gallery
Patrick Kyle of the Wowee Zonk collective on their booklaunch and TCAF show
Webcomicer and TCAF volunteer misidentifies Bryan Lee O’Malley
Kate Beaton was driven towards motherhood at TCAF, apparently
Kevin Boyd of the Shuster Awards blogs his impressions (that’s the Dave Sim print the Shuster folks were selling at the show up top)
Photos from the Tugboat Press gang
The Doodlers photostream, including the james Turner Rex Libris action figure