Co: Patrick Berube; Been slow to post this, crazy town here at HQ! My fridge started blowing fusses!
Got these links the other day, Two vids with more to come promises Patrick Berube, Comic Book Bin‘s new editor. Andy Doan & Herve St-Louis took a camera to the Expo this year.
First a discussion with James Armstrong, the giant brain behind the machine. They talk mostly about the growth of the event, and how it’s effected what they do.
There’s a bunch more posted in the last 4 days here that look to be from the FanExpo, pretty good though a bit more info and links to their work in the descriptions would be nice.
Looking around i found more vids too.
A nice little how too with Roger Corman!
…And a talk with Walter Koenig…
If you want more, check this page for the cosplay all kinds of fun.