ladies' night strange adventures halifax comic book store shop

Remember when there was hardly enough news about the comix culture in Canada to warrant a daily blog, let alone 2 or 3 C-Lists per week?

Item: Robert Haines profiles Dundas, Ontario comic shop The Dungeon for the Shuster Awards blog.

Item: First printer Quebecor World merged with World Color Press. Now World Color Press has been bought by the Wisconsin-based Quad Graphics. When the resulting new company comes on-line this summer, it will be the second largest printer in North America. And yes, it will probably still print comic books.

Item: Interested in a report on the comics industry of France? I am.

Item: Many may not be aware, but Ho Che Anderson’s collected King bio has been technically out of print since 2006 or so. A massive new edition with tons of “behind-the-scenes” extras and a new Anderson strip will be out for February from Fantagraphics. Publisher’s Weekly has a profile.

Item: Bryan Lee O’Malley is looking for photo references of Scott Pilgrim’s house for the final volume.

Item: Strange Adventures in Halifax is hosting its first Ladies Night tonite. Read a blog post here or check out their site or facebook.