Item: The Heroes of the North is a new live-action webseries about Canadian superheroes. Still in production, but there is a trailer
Item: On a related note, this dynamic duo had a noble mission in my own town. I just wish there was a so-called “real life superhero” who stopped drunken students from urinating on my business and breaking windows.
Item: I guess this is kind of cute.
Little kids in a play about a comic creator, magic pens, and superheroes. [photo] Item: Chris gave his monthly live blogging of Previews on Sunday, here. “Unintended” pointing out of stupid use of sex in marketing highlights. The boot is just bad anatomy but the bat is totally on purpose.
Item: Vancouver’s Jeffrey Simpson reviews the iPad, praises its virtues as a comics reading device, and basically joins the chorus of people who can’t wait for all Marvel and DC product to be available through an iTunes-like service, which would cut down on consumer costs, admittedly.
Item: The potential avalanche of coverage of rockstar Melissa Auf de Mar’s latest album Ooom, which has a comic book component, has begun? Product description of the Comic is as fallows: High Quality 14 Page OOOM Comic, Illustrated by Jack Forbes, Created by MAdM & MSTRMND
Item: The Kenk graphic novel from Popsandbox is previewed.
Item: Highlow concept comic of the week. Slamarama by Dave Howlett of living between wednesdays.