Mortimer the slug daily trundles on wryly.
Dream Life is now part of the TX webcomic collective.
-Lost Myths is running a contest, the prize a copy of OBJECTS OF WORSHIP, autographed by both Claude Lalumière and Rupert Bottenberg. Full details are in the link.

Speaking of contests, this one is on too! All you need is a 24 page comic to post on their site…

Le Studio coopératif Premières Lignes (SPL) proudly announced the birth of a new cartoon.
SiMonde et Mia, it made it’s first appearance on Jun 15 @ – there are 3 pages up now.

Sketchkrieg! has moved to Facebook by the way. You can fallow the Toronto sketch blogs collective doodles here now.
THE GEEK EFFECT tells of the The Comic Wallet Craze: An Interview with Andy Doan.
Dave interviewed Kate Beaton on…

Howard: Can I ask a little bit about what drew you to comics? Were you reading other comics at the time?
Beaton: What drew me to comics was wanting to put them in the paper. We didn’t have many comics growing up, actually. There were no comic stores, I grew up in a really small town. We had, like, 1500 people. I read the newspaper comics, and I had favourites. When I thought about making comics, I thought that’s what a comic was. I just wanted to make people laugh, to be funny.

-THUMB WARRIORS by ben (shoontz) shannon

Ty posted a pinup of Pacifica done for Heroes of the North, the web series featuring Canadian superheroes. Pacifica is a speedster, like the Flash. He also had a really interesting entry for his last Saturday Morning Bun-toons, check it out.

-Ottawa Comix Jam pre-Canada Day Event: Wednesday June 30th, 7:00pm – 10:00pm @ the Shanghai Restaurant, 651 Somerset St. W. Ottawa, ON

“Last June we burst our attendance record (well over 20 ppl!) Will this June be similar? Come out and make sure it is! All comic and art enthusiasts are welcome to join us for our pre-Canada Day comic jam at the Shanghai. The theme is ‘Birthdays’, (thanks to Steve Bissonnette for the suggestion.) Event is free and paper is provided. Looking forward to seeing y’all there!” – Suzanne

Mike Gagnon recently achieved a personal goal, writing for the worlds largest comic book publisher, when he joined the team of writers for Marvel’s series of character handbooks. His work is appearing in “The official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Updates A-Z” and “Deadpool Corps: Rank and Foul”, and soon in “The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Premiere Hardcover Vol. 14”.

“It was a great experience, I can’t thank editors Jeff Christiansen and Jeff Youngquist enough for giving me the chance to contribute to the Marvel Universe in my own small way.” said Gagnon.