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compiled/edited by B. Munn

The Bestseller List: I think this week’s list might actually reflect sales in bookstores since the Scott Pilgrim movie opened, as opposed to last week’s “anticipation effect” list. As with our last installment, as I compile this list the various volumes are racking up strong sales around the globe.
This semi-regular feature of Sequential presents a snapshot of comics sales in Canada.
Part 1 .
The bestselling graphic novels and comics collections in Canada, courtesy of BookManager. The full list by BookManager is available, with some work, here. The list is compiled by BookManager based on sales through over 400 independent bookstores, including several comic book stores and the D+Q store. Sales through most comic shops and larger retailers like Chapters-Indigo are not reflected in this list. For balance, you might want to try the and Chapters-Indigo lists. See here for our previous list.

Sequential’s Over-All Top 30
from BookManager

1. (1) Bone Prequel, Jeff Smith (Scholastic)
2. (2) Warriors 3, Erin Hunter et al (HarperCollins)
3. (4) Scott Pilgrim 1, Bryan Lee O’Malley (ONI)
4. (8) Scott Pilgrim 2, Bryan Lee O’Malley (Oni)
5. (3) Scott Pilgrim 6, Bryan Lee O’Malley (Oni)
6. (13) Scott Pilgrim 3, Bryan Lee O’Malley (Oni)
7. (12) Scott Pilgrim 5, Bryan Lee O’Malley (Oni)
8. (-) Black Bird 5, Kanoko Sakurakoji (VIZ)
9. (7) Rosario+Vampire : Season II, Vol. 2, Ikeda, Akihisa (VIZ)
10. (14) Scott Pilgrim 4, Bryan Lee O’Malley (Oni)
11. (6) Twilight 1, Stephanie Meyer et al (Orbit)
12. (10) Warriors 2, Erin Hunter (Harper Collins)
13. (-) Garfield Fat-Cat 3-Pack, Davis et al (Random House)
14. (11) Negima 27, Ken Akamatsu (Random House)
15. (-) Maximum Ride 3, James Patterson et al (Orbit)
16. (11) Naruto 48, Masashi Kishimoto (Random House)
17. (-) Inuyasha 51, Rumiko Takahashi (VIZ)
18. (16) Maus 1, Spiegelman (Pantheon)
19. (15) Watchmen, Moore/Gibbons (DC)
20. (-) Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi (Pantheon)
21. (28) Walking Dead 12, Kirkman et al (Image)
22. (-) Black Bird 1, Kanoko Sakurakoji (VIZ)
23. (-) Logicomix, Doxiadis (Bloomsbury)
24. (30) Wilson, Dan Clowes (D+Q)
25. (19) Simpsons Comics Get Some Fancy Book Learnin’, Groening et al (HC)
26. (17) Manga Metamorphosis, (Tyndale)
27. (18) 500 Years of Resistance, Gord Hill (Arsenal Pulp)
28. (25) Blackest Night, Johns et al (DC)
29. (20) Naruto 1, Masashi Kishimoto (VIZ)
30. (22) Tsubasa 27, Clamp (Random House)
Part 2. Canadian Content:
You have to wade through an awful lot of translated Japanese manga, U.S. superhero fantasies, and collected editions of Sherman’s Lagoon to come up with a list of 30 bestselling books created by Canadians. In total, BookManager lists over 4000 graphic novels, trades, and strip collections, the vast majority of which are not by Canadians. On this list, a single sale in a single tiny bookstore can make all the difference. This list does not include books that are only illustrated but not written/created-by Canadians.

Sequential’s All-Canadian Top 30
from BookManager

1. (2) Scott Pilgrim 1, Bryan Lee O’Malley (Oni)
2. (3) Scott Pilgrim 2, Bryan Lee O’Malley (Oni)
3. (1) Scott Pilgrim 6, Bryan Lee O’Malley (Oni)
4. (5) Scott Pilgrim 3, Bryan Lee O’Malley (Oni)
5.(4) Scott Pilgrim 5, Bryan Lee O’Malley (Oni)
6. (6) Scott Pilgrim 4, Bryan Lee O’Malley (Oni)
7. (7) 500 Years of Resistance, Gord Hill (Arsenal Pulp)
8. (8) Louis Riel, Chester Brown (D+Q)
9. (9) Neil Young’s Greendale, Chiang et al (DC)
10. (10) Red: A Haida Manga, Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas (Douglas & McIntyre)
11. (21) Burma Chronicles, Guy Delisle (D+Q)
12. (20) Skim sc, Mariko Tamaki/Jillian Tamaki (Groundwood)
13. (12) Pyongyang, Guy Delisle (D+Q)
14. (14) Sweet Tooth 1, Jeff Lemire (DC)
15. (19) Senior’s Discount, Lynn Johnston (Andrews McMeel)
16. (25) The Selves, Sonja Ahlers (D+Q)
17. (26) Children of the Atom, Dave Lapp (Conundrum)
18. (27) Wall-E Vol 1, J. Torres (Boom)
19. (28) George Sprott, Seth (D+Q)
20. (11) Kenk, Peter Poplak et al (PopSandbox)
21. (-) Sword of My Mouth, Munroe/Gerrard (insomniac)
22. (15) Bigfoot 1, Graham Roumieu (Plume)
23. (-) Nightschool 3, Chmakova (Yen/Orbit)
24. (14) Home Sweat Home, Lynn Johnston (Andrews McMeel)
25. (18) Skim hc, Mariko Tamaki/Jillian Tamaki (Groundwood)
26. (22) Graduation, Lynn Johnston (Andrews McMeel)
27. (23) The Hipless Boy, Sully (Conundrum)
28. (29) Nightschool 2, Chmakova (Yen/Orbit)
29. (30) Nightschool 1, Chmakova (Yen/Orbit)
30. (-) Catland Empire, Keith Jones (D+Q)
For the record, this week out, Prince Valiant Vol 2 by dead Canadian ex-pat Hal Foster ranks 29708, putting it at #22 on the Canadian list between Sword of My Mouth and Bigfoot (see last week’s comments).