Dedicated to Dirk Deppey.
One more kick at the can. It’s been a quiet week around comics-ville, but I thought I’d round things up to round off the year. Look for a few more lists and reviews in the next little while but until then, Bonne Annee!
Item: I know that top ten lists are a dime a dozen this time of year, but it’s not too often a little book of wordless comic strips by a Canadian cartoonist who died 30 years ago is chosen as one of the best graphic novels of 2010 by a big U.S. magazine.
Item: Dave Sim and Steve Bissette have conversation, of sorts. (link via Tom Spurgeon)
Item: I guess most papers do this? Linked to a few already, but here is policart Michael DeAdder’s fave cartoons of the year.
Item: A profile of BC policart Ingrid Rice.
Item: The Star’s Patrick Corrigan picks his fave cartoons, with video!
Item: Jonathan Mahood’s Bleeker the Rechargeable Dog comic strip has just achieved international syndication and the cartoonist is profiled in his hometown paper.
Item: Jeff Lemire talks to Shelagh Rogers, recently inducted into the Order of Canada, on the radio.
Item: Ty Templeton’s glories and failures of 2010.