Landscape of The Klondike by Zach Worton
Item! Conundrum Press is bringing a huge contingent to TCAF. Not only are they launching a new graphic novel, Killing Velasquez by Philippe Girard, but Jimmy Beaulieu, David Collier, Robin McConnell, and Mayanna Hardy will also be on hand.
Item! Darwyn Cooke provides the t-shirt design for Free Comic Book Day 2011. Holy shit. I just realized FCBD is on the same weekend as TCAF.
Item! Firing blanks at a red herring: Columnist Ian Robinson from the Calgary Sun, not known as a lefty stronghold, takes aim at the recent Communist Manifesto comic book, and uses a Sequential interview for ammunition. (Bonus: Classic red-baiting from Reed Crandall. via Deppey on twitter)
Item! Chris Ware loves David Collier’s new book, Chimo.
Item! Pour en finir avec novembre is a graphic novel published by Les 400 Coups about the aftermath of the 1970 October crisis among four Quebec friends. Writer Sylvain Lemay and artist André St-Georges are interviewed here. Google translation ici.
Item! I found this post about the interior life of comics characters, how thoughts and emotions are expressed and how their depiction “evolved,” very interesting. Thinking about it, I guess I would have to agree that before Gasoline Alley, the range of interiority expressed visually and through thought balloons was limited. And it is hard to think of a comics character divorced from the visual. Very little in the way of voice or speech is unique to characters in comics. The great talking strips, like the Gumps and Orphan Annie were about people saying (and acting) what they thought and anything else was dishonest. John Stanley maybe riffed on dramatic misdirection a bit with Lulu.
Item! New Super Mutant Magic Academy.
Item! The epic 14-part letter/fax/blog exchange between horror comics creator and teacher Steve Bissette and grand old man of Canadian comics Dave Sim finally winds up. I haven’t read the whole thing, and some of the print source material is kind of wonky, but there is lots of interesting stuff in there. For every argument you may disagree with, there is something to think about in terms of publishing and printing comics, business models, etc. Dave drops lots of fun facts, like the one from the final episode mentioning how Deni Loubert (Sim’s ex-wife and the publisher of first Aardvark-Vanaheim and then Renegade Press) went out of business owing $250 Gs to her printer.
Item! Landscapes from Zach Worton’s upcoming graphic novel, The Klondike.

1 Comment

  1. No real insight to add, I just want to echo the fact that Matt Seneca’s post on interiority and the semiotics of comics conventions is well the read (in fact, a few reads).

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