Item! Conundrum Press announced yesterday that they will publish the English translation of the next volume in Michel Rabagliati’s Paul series of graphic novels. Originally published in French by La Pastèque in 2009 as Paul à Québec, the book will be titled The Song of Roland and is scheduled for a 2012 release. The title change is presumably to reflect the subject matter (the book focuses on Rabagliati-stand-in Paul’s cancer-stricken father Roland) as much as to differentiate the volume from previous iterations. Montreal publisher Drawn and Quarterly had published four earlier Paul volumes culminating in 2008’s Paul Goes Fishing. Although the C-List had heard rumours about D+Q dropping Rabagliati, this is the first official announcement about the English-language future of the award–winning, bestselling series from any publisher. (via Shuster blog)
Item! Amy Chop has a fuller report on the Kazoo Zine & Comics Fest than I was able to report on in the previous C-List, including a link to the Broken Pencil report. Two more reports: the Wowee Zonk crew and Frank Fiorintino.
Item! Who doesn’t love the gorgeous comics, illustration and needlecraft (!) of Jillian Tamaki? Her cover for the annual Best American Comics has just been revealed (Michael Cho did last year’s. Yes, it’s weird that Canadians have done the covers for the Best American Comics.) and you should also check out her (quite amazing) hand-embroidered Penguin covers. Also, don’t forget Tamaki’s ongoing webcomic, Super Mutant Magic Academy.
Item! BC magician not the inspiration for Lee Falk’s Mandrake comic strip character (or for that matter Fred Guardineer’s/ DC Comic’s Zatara).
Item Calgary writer Andrew Foley co-wrote Cowboys and Aliens comic book which is soon to be a big-budget movie.
Item! The Artists Help Japan event in Toronto raised $20,000.
Item! Another review of David Lester’s The Listener, this one by Adrian Mack in The Straight.
Item! A very nice edition of Stuart Immonen’s sketchbooks (via Comics Reporter).
Item! Everybody’s reading Pascal Girard’s cartoon diary this week, right?
Item! In case you were wondering as I was, no news on what the end of Tokyopop will mean for a series like Svetlana Chmakova’s DramaCon.
Item! Since I mentioned La Pastèque up top, you might like to know that their latest bande dessinee is Jean-Paul Eid’s Le Fond du Trou.
Item! Marc Bell news: The cover for Pure Pajamas and an art show with Jim Woodring in Texas.
Item! Finally: Congratulations are due to Robin Ganev and Jeet Heer on the birth of their daughter! Congrats!
I had read about Mandrake the Magician but never realized he was a BC boy!
Wouldn’t it be great to see a team-up with Mandrake, Long Tack Sam, Doug Henning, and maybe Bus Griffiths (aka “The Logger”).