I expect things to slow down around here over the next month or so, as is traditional during Summer.

I know I’d like to spend a bit more time outside, maybe replenish my vitamin D stores/recharge the old solar battery. I will still be reading lots of comics (perhaps too many?) but I won’t be spending as much time hunting the interwebs for news about Canadian comics publishing and events. That doesn’t mean we can’t continue to talk about comics on Sequential, of course, and to encourage some dialogue, I’m asking the friends and readers of this blog to send in their Summer Reading Lists.

So please start sending in those lists! What books, comics, magazines, blogs, or other online content have you read recently or plan to read? Why did you/will you read it and what did you think? Maybe you bought a book last winter that has been sitting on the shelf or bedside table, waiting for a day at the beach or a week at the cottage? Maybe someone recommended something to you and you’ve been waiting until now to read it! Now’s the time to tell Sequential all about it! Send in your list, with any comments (as long or as short as you’d like), and maybe tell us a bit about yourself and any current or future project you’d like to hype, and we’ll throw it up on the blog, sans editorial comment, for our readers to see.

Here’s a link to our summer reading list posts from past years.