Your regular injection of hot and beefy Canadian comics newz:
Item! Lots of fun looking at these photos from last weekend’s Bryan Lee O’Malley signing in Toronto. Over 400 people including tons of cosplayers!
Item! The Kill Shakespeare crew will be at the Stratford Festival talking about their comic book today.
Item! What the Shuster Awards gang will be up to at the San Diego Comicon. The link also points you to other Canadian-centric activity at the con.
Item! Sean Michael Robinson interviews Mahendra Singh about his antiquarian-styled adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s Hunting of the Snark for The Comics Journal.
Item! Kristi Valenti has a two part examination of the nature of Kate Beaton’s voice and humour over at Comixology. Valenti is a sharp critic with some original insights.
Item! Another intriguing critic and cartoonist, Matt Seneca, delves into Seth’s Wimbledon Green and the art of giving up.
Item! Alexa Tomaszewski of Comic Book Daily scores an interview with Dave Sim on the occasion of the latest issue of Sim’s Glamourpuss comic series. Really fascinating talk: Sim gets into criticizing different Michael Kors ad campaigns, photos, fashion mags, the works, all in the context of talking about Stan Drake and the photorealist cartoonists. Recommended.
I am still getting used to the idea of book trailers, let alone comic book trailers, which I would naturally prefer. This is the well-done trailer for Kagan McLeod’s Infinite Kung Fu graphic novel.
Item! The third volume of Robin Bougie’s Cinema Sewer magazine collection is now available for pre-order (each order gets an original disgusting Bougie sex drawing for free).
Item! Advance details on Kid Koala’s upcoming (September 19) graphic novel and cd release, Space Cadet, courtesy of Exclaim! magazine.
Item! Oakville, Ont. political cartoonist and creator of the Pud comic strip (no relation to the bubblegum character) Steve Nease has an art exhibit opening this week and is profiled by his local paper.
Item! This video report from last weekend’s Niagara Falls Comic Convention somehow reminded me that when I was 9 years old I created a superhero called Niagara who looked exactly like George Perez’s 70s-era Wonder Man.