nothing scary here, just some Canadian comic book linkblogging…
Item! Congratulations are due to Jennifer and Robert Haines. Familiar to many on the Canadian comix scene as the owners of The Dragon comic shop and the impetus behind the Joe Shuster Awards’s Comics for Kids category, Jenn and Robert are now the proud parents of a new baby girl, Junia Mary Rosalind Haines, born this past weekend.
Item! The scariest news this week is the rumour, fostered by the Bleeding Cool site, that Halifax cartoonist Darwyn Cooke (DC: The New Frontier) may be involved in a series of prequels to Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ Watchmen, dubbed “Watchmen 2” in the press. At this point just an unconfirmed rumour.
Item! Bleeding Cool also has a scan of the cheque that was used to pay Siegel and Shuster for their first Superman story.
Item! The Daniel Clowes/Seth double book tour wound up last week in Toronto and their final talk was covered in NOW and The Torontoist.
Item! The kids from Jillian Tamaki’s Mutant Magic Academy prepare a recipe for Saveur magazine.
Item! It has been widely reported that Alpha Flight, the Marvel comics series about a Canadian superhero team, will be cancelled after issue #8. Maybe the company is mad at Canada? (Did I mention that I am boycotting Marvel?)
Item! Did you know that the Halifax comics convention, Hal-Con, is two weeks away? It runs November 12-13.
Item! Today’s scary image comes from an old 1935 issue of Maclean’s magazine. The ad for Cellopane was illustrated I believe by Richard Taylor, a Toronto cartoonist who worked for the Toronto Telegram and the left-wing press before moving to the U.S. and a career with The New Yorker.