Brave New Year
Your weekly guide to Canadian comics news and views at Sequential.
MONDAY: Our 2011 Year in Review feature. Drawn and Quarterly wins the “Newsmaker of the Year” laurels for their bestselling publishing slate and dominance of hearts and minds. Also, upstart D+Q rival Koyama Press announced its Spring line-up of books.
TUESDAY: We reviewed the new graphic biography of Italian revolutionary writer and activist Toni Negri, author of Empire and Multitude. Writing about Antonio Negri Illustrated, published by Ottawa’s Red Quill Books, Negri scholar Don Moore notes, “I feel as though I had a more intimate, informative, and ‘personal’ experience with the man reading this comic book than I ever did meeting him in person.”
WEDNESDAY: The big story on the C-List this week was the news of the imminent closing of Toronto retailer and one-time publisher Dragon Lady Comics. (Kevin Boyd has a follow-up post, with links to other coverage and some analysis here.) Also, world cartooning giant Ronald Searle died.
THURSDAY: Hey Kids, Comix! Our regular webcomics feature. Max looks at comics by Richard Pace, Kate Beaton, Vera Brogsol, Rebecca Clements, and Boulet.
FRIDAY: Friday Flashback. A 1953 issue of Maclean’s magazine reveals a trove of cartoons by George Feyer, James Simpkins, Peter Whalley, and more.