Monday: Our fearless leader Max Douglas aka Salgood Sam posted an editorial lambasting artist Dave Dorman’s criticism of the breastfeeding image in Fiona Staples’s publicity for Saga, the new comic written by Brian K Vaughan.
Tuesday: Chester Brown and his publisher announced the great Canadian graphic novel Ed the Happy Clown would be back in print for the first time in 20 years. Also, we shared a few announcements from the Toronto Cartoonist Workshop and Carte Blanche magazine.
Wednesday: The big news on the C-List roundup this week was the purchase of Canadian publisher McClelland and Stewart by German multimedia giant Bertelsmann AG. Also, we reported on the Canadian graphic novels that made the Diamond Top 1000 of 2011.
Thursday: WTF? We didn’t post anything on Thursday? Must have been still reeling from the buyout of McClelland and Stewart… or maybe I was poring over this website that rates every saxophone solo from 1980s pop songs…
Friday: our Friday Flashback feature was a classic photo of Superman-creators Siegel and Shuster.