…and with one 7-day leap the week is over:
Monday: The first Canadian Comics Bestseller List of 2012. Hark a Vagrant is the top book in the country!
Tuesday: More Dragon Lady history on the C-List. The other big news this week is that Dragon Lady’s manager Joe Kilmartin will be opening a new shop called Single Bound in association with The Toronto Cartoonists Workshop at College and Clinton in Toronto.
Wednesday: Sequential joined the Stop SOPA blackout, and then the next day SOPA stopped. Coincidence?
Thursday Review of Josh Bayer’s KIng Size Retrofit Annual, Raw Power, “one of the more viscerally enjoyable comics I’ve experienced in a long time.” Plus some thoughts on the Retrofit line so far.
Friday: for our Friday Flashback feature, we dug up an old ad for a collection of Doug Wright’s comic strips drawn by the master himself. Bonus: we got a comment from Phyllis Wright (aka, Nipper’s mom)!