Item! Matthew Forsythe is profiled by the Montreal Gazette about his new graphic novel Jinchalo, which launched Sunday in Toronto. Among the interview news goodies: A three book children’s book deal with Simon and Shuster.
Item! This was a thing for a few minutes. Speaking of beef jerky, have you wondered about those Johnny Canuck Smoked Meat Sticks? Me too.
Item! The Shuster blog has news about Kickstarter campaign for an anthology called Little Heart, devoted to marriage equality. Contributors to include cartoonist Emily Carroll.
Item! The Comics Legends Legal Defense Fund has a very nicely-designed new logo.
Item! Kate Beaton answers a ton of your questions.
Item! Cartoonist and illustrator Leif Peng has a wonderful post up about the work of Blaine, the Hamilton editorial cartoonist who died last week. A touching remembrance with tons of art scans.
Item! James Turner (Rex Libris) has a new webcomic about a a rebellion in hell called Hell’s Lost. (via Comics Reporter via Robot 6)
Item! In addition to all the other work Michael DeForge does every week, there is an 8-page comic called “Exams” that I haven’t seen before.