Co: Expozine
The Expozine 10th Awards Gala was held April 4, 2012, 8 p.m., @Le Divan Orange, 4234 Saint-Laurent.
Featuring Simon Paquet as MC, readings by Jean-Pierre Tremblay and Jese Gordon and ended with a great dance party performance by Montreal’s premier synth showman, Super Fossil Power!
The Expozine Alternative Press Awards recognize the best publications that were on display at the Expozine small press fair in the fall of 2011.
Prologue, Jonathan Reid Sévigny
An exquisitely printed zine of large-format colour drawings, huge tableaus of characters and scenes that are simultaneously cute and violent, surreal and storybook plain. You could look at each one for hours wondering what the heck they’re supposed to mean – the unicorns, the gallows, the mermaids, the guillotines, the corner dépanneur as some sort of fairy oasis. Stunning.
HONOURABLE MENTION (TIE):Jese Gordon’s Korea deserves an honourable mention as a superbly presented literary zine. The semi-transparent mylar pages complement the almost voyeuristic feel of the texts.
The zine Drop Target from Vermont gets its honourable mention for excellence as a real “old school” type zine: by and for fans of pinball, yet with a good enough presentation and variety of content (essays, reviews, comics etc.) that non-fans would enjoy it as well.
You Are A Cat! by Sherwin Tjia
This book takes a premise that possibly shouldn’t work and works it beautifully in every direction. From teenage lesbian suicides to psychopathic killers- with fresh cream, naps and feline sex in between – as you ‘pick your own plot’ this book provides genuine insight into what it actually might feel like to be a cat.
Pope Hats No. 2, Ethan Rilly, Adhouse Books
Rilly has a fully developed graphic and storytelling style of his own in this highly existential series.
Impossible voyage, Celine Huyghebaert
Petite collection de pensées à la fois nostalgiques et autoréflexives entourant un voyage d’une certaine Louisa-Nar sur des cartes d’identification de bagages. Chaque petite carte d’embarcation est sérigraphiée en noir et blanc. Objet d’art finement assemblé et numéroté. À méditer!
MENTION SPECIAL FANZINE FRANCOPHONE:Salade de crudités” de Boris Paillard, ouvrage de collaboration entre la poésie de Paillard et différents illustrateurs tous plus incroyables les uns que les autres. Tout le livre est sérigraphié d’où son incroyable authenticité tant au niveau de la texture que de la couleur. Flamboyant, pertinent. Bravo!
Typographie inusuelle, Marc Pantanella, Éditions L’Oie de Cravan et Finitude
D’abord pour la beauté de l’ouvrage, la maquette de couverture, le papier, la qualité d’impression puis ensuite pour l’humour surprenant, bon enfant et réjouissant qui nous pousse de page en page.
Boumeries, volume 1, par Boum (Samantha Leriche-Gionet), auto-publication
Des petits moments du quotidien empreints d’humour, racontés avec candeur et spontanéité. Le dessin, expressif à souhait, illustre le tout de façon très efficace sous forme de strips qui font plaisir à lire.