Some Items from over the workmen’s holidays.
I was off camping for one night, but mostly just flaked out at home for a week. You? These are some links i’ve bookmarked or came my way via the streams…
[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””]Item: Some classes announced from the Toronto Cartoonists Workshop. Comics Lab: Captain Canuck! INSTRUCTOR: Rob Walton. Write/draw YOUR version of Captain Canuck: registration closes Friday! & Fall workshop schedule now available.Adult Workshops (16+), Teen Workshops (13-17), & Kids Workshops (8-12). You can sign up online.[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””]Item: Eugene Zhilinsky posted to facebook “Check out our new project here” working title: “The Coffee Pot”. And they say “…careful! This is going to be adults only reading.”
Item: Steven Kraan said “check out my daily comic… ^__^ //” You can follow it at Tumbler or Facebook.[/wpcol_1half_end] [wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””] Item: “Escape to Gold Mountain“is a 256 page graphic novel documenting the history of Chinese Americans and Canadians. [FB page] From Arsenal Pulp Press, By David H.T. Wong. Official Canadian launch of ‘Escape to Gold Mountain’ is on Sunday, November 18th, 2012. @ the Dr Sun Yat-sen Classical Chinese Garden in Vancouver, BC. 2:00pm to 4:00pm.
[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””]Item: Montreal cartoonist Eric Theriault reviews Rocket Science #2 and blogs about some other fun stuff here, some links to his own are in there work looking at too.
Item: Hurrah!! It was a Hark a vVagrant comics update from Kate!
Item: Hurrah!! A comic about the fact checking on Hark a Vagrant by Marlo Meekins!
Item: Wes Craig has started a web comic anthology site for his own fun, looks pretty kick ass. Black Hand Comics, the first story is 8 pages in, called The Gravediggers Union.[/wpcol_1half_end] Item: Little bit of self promo. I gave a talk on a few of the different processes I use to a comics class taught by Kelly Tindall at synstudio recently. Showing how I go about building pages up from scrip to final art, and some thoughts about alternates to grid layouts that I like to play with. You can watch it here! Also half of it is a Q&A session, how do you get noticed [tell me if you figure it out!] how things have changed [i’m and old man] and who do you love! [notice i wore a tie?] Sigh. Need to do this more, get practice speaking publicly.
More to come, but for now, go get some late summer sun!