Around here we’re allways a little tardy, too busy out back first period smoking and playing Jacks.


Item! Dave Sim Responds, at length of course, to expressed publishing interest from Fantagraphics. Fantagraphics publishes his relopy in it’s entirety because that’s just how these guys roll [he said no, sort of] – Long time readers flash back to the letters pages and forums of TCJ yore.
Item! Via Evan at andoneshallsurelydie comes news of a planned anthology edited by J. Torres on the theme of Canadian superheroes entitled True Patriot. That sounds like fun!
Item! Speaking of superheroes, Faith Erin Hicks will be taking her popular newspaper strip and webcomic Superhero Girl to Darkhorse. Brigid Alverson at the Robot 6 blog interviews her about the strip.
Item! posted a list of The Best Comic Shops in Toronto, including winner of this years Harry Kremer Award for Outstanding Comic Book Retailer [JSA], the Silver Snail [#2 on the blog to list], and The Comic Book Lounge and Gallery [#3], were winner of the JSA for Outstanding Comic Book Cartoonist Ramón K Pérez picked up his plaque [as seen in photo to the left]. Number one is the always classy Beguiling.
Items! I have not had time to curate a Hey Kids Comix! post in a while. Here’s some comics and webcomics review sites i’ve noticed online to help make up for that a little: RobbmirskyYourWebcomics, Webcomic reviews, creator interviews; Dungeon Crawler, a rpg themed comic by a large group of rotating contributors including an old school mate of mine, George Todorovski!
Item! I met the guys behind Mirror Comics in passing at the Montreal Comic Con last week, they are appearing at CAN CON this coming weekend. Check out their line, here’s their schedule for the show.

Item! Speaking of which, CAN CON is this coming weekend! I hear it’s a nice little show on it’s way to being not so little. Wish i’d have had the forethought to budget a visit. Check it out and tweet us what you think of it!

Ok, that’s it for now, except this.

As well as being the publisher and sometimes blogger here [Bryan really does most of the heavy lifting these days], I’m also a creator myself. I often feel awkward about posting about my own stuff on this site but a little bit now and then is fair I think? Right now I’m trying to get the word out as wide as I can, about my Indiegogo funding drive to complete my latest book and bring it to market. Here’s my pitch clip and if you like what you see, check out this link to contribute! Thanks – Salgood Sam