Now we can get down to the business of anticipating Halloween!

Item! I happy to announce here that another crowdsourced funding event, the Indiegogo campaign for our own Salgood Sam’s Dream Life Book 1 graphic novel, has reached its goal of $3800 and still has 7 days to go. Check it out!
Item! Sadly, the Indiegogo campaign for a David Boswell documentary did not meet its goal. [Ed: they did raise over 8000 though, of the 10000 they had hoped for. Production is underway at last report.] Item! (via Comics Journal) Seth talks to The Moscow Times about his illustrations for a new edition of Chekhov stories (very few people know Seth is a Star Trek fan). Bonus: Maurice Vellekoop describes 1980s Seth.
Item! Lastly, some video from the new Vancouver Mega Comic Con which took place last weekend. From darthsamurai, complacentcanuck, goVancouverOnShawTV, & bcitbroadcastnews,
“Sadly, the Indiegogo campaign for a David Boswell documentary did not meet its goal”
It did though, raise $8,320, and they are going ahead with production.