It’s sunny here at Sequential HQ but it’s pouring comic books!
Item! I think these have been announced in various places already but Conundrum Press has listed all of the books it will be debuting at TCAF in one handy place. Authors include Philippe Girard, Lorenz Peter, and Michel Rabagliati.
Mavreas-CoverItem! Speaking of TCAF, the Toronto festival has updated its guest list, adding Ivan Brunetti and subtracting Joe Decie and John Porcellino. Other people/additions we haven’t mentioned at Sequential yet include French creators Frederik Peeters and Boulet, Patrick McEown representing his publisher SelfMadeHero, and the debut of Tibonom by Billy Mavreas (Éditions TRIP).
Item! Speaking of Patrick McEown, Robin interviews the artist at his Inkstuds podcast and has this to say about the Hair Shirt creator: “I have been a fan and reader of Patrick McEown’s work for most of the time I have read comics. From his humble early days on Grendel War Child to working on variety of short stories for Vertigo, Dark Horse and Fantagraphics. His groundbreaking short story No Escape, published in the Dave Cooper series, Weasel, is a high point in comics making.”
Item! There are a couple posts about the Captain Canuck Indiegogo fundraiser launch from a couple weeks back, including one from The Mind Reels and another from the Geek Hard podcasters. With 50 days left, the effort is less than 1/5 of the way towards its goal, (possibly because the minimum buy-in is $25?) and probably could use a bit of a hand.
Item! Speaking of fundraising, the Kickstarter for Dracula: Son of the Dragon, by Mark Sable and Sequential’s own Salgood Sam is halfway to its stated goal with only 8 days left, and the Dumb goes to CAKE Indiegogo campaign that Georgia Webber launched last week has exceeded its modest goals with another week left. Two worthy self-published efforts. Please send us more…