Ho ho, we’ve really been snoozing around here. Bryan has a new record shop business and I’m swamped getting my latest graphic novel funded on kickstarter and launched in May. By the by a good moment to mention we’ve got an open call for new contributors including a dedicated blog manager who could take on composing more regula C-list posts like this. Let us know if you want to join the teem and help get this site humming again!
Ok, so much has happened since we last posted, i’m just going to grab a few recent highlights. Again if you want a more timely picture of the Can-con comics scene, I recommend you follow our fan page, where sharing stuff from the feeds is a lot easier for us and thus happens more often. Not to bow to the Zuckerberg juggernaut but they built a handy mouse trap. Most of these links come thanks to the virtual community we’re hooked into there.
the history of the port of MontreaItem:  Going back to valentine’s day, the main illustration down the side of this post is a really cool piece by Réal Godbout depicting the growth of Montreal ala Robert Crumbs classic. Thanks to Comix Comix Comix for sharing it online.
Chroniques du Centre-Sud de Richard SuicideItem:  In Montreal, to continue that theme for a moment, Chroniques du Centre-Sud by Richard Suicide launches this month. Published by Éditions Pow Pow they have posted a nice set of photos of work on the book here. The launch is to be held at Le Cheval Blanc march the 11th [tomorrow], historically a favorite haunt of Montreal cartoonists. Here’s a fun animated book trailer for the publication.

Item:  En Français, Michèle Laframboise’s series of stories of fandom are a picture of life behind the table at conventions and festivals. 
Item:  It’s always a good time to remind folks of this running series of posts showcasing the art of Mecca Normal guitarist David Lester’s art accompanying text by vocalist Jean Smith. Together they are documenting people, places and events from his band’s 29-year run, every Saturday in Magnetic Magazine.
Item:  Alan Bunce’s Funny Forest is often good for a giggle, have you checked it out yet? He’s been posting frequently as of late.
Item:  Free Jam zines! Toronto Comic Jam: Scott Brese vs Chester Brown, read to see who wins! & The Toronto Comic Jam zine collecting work from Oct & Nov 2013And this is cool, the modern comic Jam has come a long way since Rupert Bottenberg held his first at the purple haze in Montreal. The Ghana Edition of the Prince Edward County Comix Jam:  jammer  Susanne Larner introduces a class full of kids to our home grown cartooning fun times with touching results.
Item: Former Sequential contributor Eric Dyck has been working to establish a Drink and Draw with some reported success in Lethbridge, Alberta! he’s also producing a new local comic strip based on life there you can like and follow here, or read here. He’s also set up a new Patreon page if you want to help support his work.
Item:  I’ve been looking at Patreon myself, but this is a good place to mention, I’ve got a Kickstarter myself this month, to print my graphic novel Dream Life | a late coming of age,  & sponsor a book tour! So far it’s going ok, but there’s lots of rewards left to grab, and I’d love to knock it out of the park. Check it out and most importantly even if you’re too broke for it, pass the word! Thanks. You can read a short interview with me about it here, and a guest blog post about the project and my work on Bleeding Cool here. and embedded below is a rambling drive update post about the story and it’s conception.

Item:  Kelly Tindall’s kid friendly Strangebeard is entering it’s 5th act, you can catch up with it here.
Item: Abdul Lateef’s crowdfunded zombie comic Z’ISLE gets reviewed by Comic Book and Movie Reviews“Now imagine you’re trapped on a deserted island with no place to go. When suddenly, through sheer whim of fate, you’re quickly approached by a man with an idea for a great new series. So what do you do…”
Item: Another crowdfunded comic, The Pitiful Human-Lizard – Issue 1. A new comic book set in Toronto by Jason Loo about a struggling superhero making the best out of his shortcomings. The project looks pretty good and seems on track to reach it’s goal but only just, probably could use some support and tweets!
Item: Jim Munroe and the production team behind Ghosts With Shit Jobs have a new episodic neo-noir web series project that looks pretty cool. Hapheads. Ten years from now, videogames are so immersive that teenagers learn lethal skills just by playing. They’re called hapheads. Here’s the trailer/teaser.