I took few photos and no video this year, but it was a great show at Expozine 2014!

By Salgood Sam
There’s some good posts up now you can check out now elsewhere. My favorite so far is here on Conundrum’s blog! Wish I’d spent more time hanging out with that bunch! Also good for lollygagging, Expozine 2014 report from CTV News, More FR tv coverage from beforehand on MAtv. A good photo essay on baronmag.com. No pictures but an in-depth Expozine report from the Concordian. It was crowded, though I’m not so sure more so than in the past. Seemed all very familiar to me! it was less jammed than Canzine infact. The twitter feed of photos for the show is a good sampler of sights from it. And that’s it so far!
I had a good time, and things sold well! Carried satisfyingly lighter bags home sunday, and while i didn’t get much, I picked up a couple nice things too. I had several good chats with a few old friends, I’ll forget someone so won’t try to name drop them all but it’s always a nice aspect of doing this show, and even better frankly when I only come to hang out. Also the sales amount to a nice little cash injection into my budget right now. My new book sold moderately well, and lots of prints and postcards sold right out!
Here’s some of the sketches of new owners drawn into their copies of Dream Life I managed to snap a photo of. I forgot to do that half the time. 😛

giving more of myself for the cause.
I also Bled for my art this year, on my books! LOL.
Didn’t notice I’d gashed myself reaching in my bag, and left blood all over the back of a copy of revolver one while signing it!
The recipient was buying it for an orphan in Lebanon. I shit you not, least that’s what he told me. I caught up with him in the crowd after noticing my finger was well covered in red and it wasn’t ink, he was very cool about it and let me take it and clean it up. Thankfully the book is black and well sealed under a mat finish for the cover, so it was not too hard to do something about while still fresh. The fellow who bought it seemed to like the idea it had a bit more of me, in it. LOL.

When they find the clones, you’ll know how they got my DNA.

I didn’t get a lot of loot, but a few nice bits for sure! Hazel Newlevant’s book If This Be Sin, Update: It’s quite good! Only thing I ended up buying too!
I wanted to get Cat Kidd’s Hyena Subpoena, but forgot to do it! There’s always way more stuff than I can afford to buy these days too. But the lack of lulls in the crowds did make for less shopping time/energy.
Gifts are always nice. Andy gave me a copy of his and Joe’s little comic collection of the Milo & Sam strips, and Jason Kieffer or Nick Maandag braved an uprising and gave me a copy of Taddle Creek no 32!
And I traded Dream Life for a cool T-shirt from my neighbour…who’s name escapes me now!
Rats. I should have written that down. I’ll update if I can jog my brain or otherwise glean it. Let me know if you recognize his work. Nice younger guy, from Guelph, works with Marc Bell sometimes? In town for the show and to work on an EnMasse mural…