by BK Munn
In a recent video update, Kitchener cartoonist Dave Sim announced that the Leamington, Ontario warehouse where he has been storing excess issues of his long-running cult-favourite Cerebus comic books series is being sold and will be knocked down. As a result, Sim is planning to give away or, in a worst-case scenario, trash, all the comics. To this end he is inviting fans to travel to Leamington at a date tbd but before the warehouse closes December 1 to help redistribute or haul away the remaining stock. For some reason, Sim has been storing multiple copies of most issues from #91 to #300, ranging from 10s to thousands of fresh-from-the-printers copies of each. That’s a lot of comics.
Watch the video (skip the first minute where Sim talks about his squirrel-ridden front porch if you like):