By Will Wellington
Summer is coming to an end. And like leaves clogging the gutters, Canadian Comix Newz Itemz litter social media’s broad and sunny thoroughfares. Fear not! Rakish rake-boy Will Wellington is here to help.
Item! Cartoonists and comics publishers continue to seek new ways to sell and distribute their work in the twenty-first-century marketplace, but some artists are finding digital publishing’s powers-that-be less than welcoming of racier or more transgressive pieces. John Linton Roberson, for instance, recently had his piece LULU taken off Google Play Books. There seems to be no process in place to appeal such decisions. Look for more on this subject from Sequential and hopefully other major comics journalists in the coming weeks.
Item! Éditions Pow Pow previewed their Autumn catalogue, featuring new titles from Luc Bossé and Julie Delporte. View covers and sample pages here.
Item! The Beguiling is having an enormous warehouse sale to free up space! If you’re anywhere need the Little Big Smoke that is Toronto, fill your books!
Item! Cloudscape Comics’ Comics in Transit project has plastered bus shelters all over Vancouver with single page comics by local artists like Steve Rolston: see the locations here. There’s also a contest you can enter by taking photos of yourself with the comics, with a chance of winning a “full Cloudscape comics library.”
Item! Hamilton’s Dino Caruso (what a name, folks) and Shawn Richison are crowdfunding for a new graphic novel about a paranormal agent / substitute teacher. It’s called FISK: The S.U.B.S.T.I.T.U.T.E. Looks fun.
Item! FanExpo took place in TO last weekend. BK Munn had the recap for Sequential.
Item! There are three days left in Cloudscape’s Epic Canadiana Vol 2 Kickstarter. They’ve already reached their goal, but contributing now can let Cloudscape increase the page rate for their artists and writers.
Item! Kate Beaton’s got a fun take on Carroll’s Alice up–and she’s heading on tour to support Step Aside, Pops! Watch out for all sorts of press related to the new book, including appearances on CBC’s As It Happens and Q.
Item! Sequential‘s own Salgood Sam is serializing a new graphic memoir short story on Patreon: check out the first page here.
Item! Francis Manapul previewed his first creator-owned title, Broken Hollow.
That’s all, folks!
Will Wellington lives in Guelph.