Justin Gordon Booklaunch, Toronto
by BK Munn
Cartoonist and fine artist Justin Gordon launches their new Swimmers Group collection, Home Recording at Double Double Land in Toronto tonight. Justin was previewing the book at the Kazoo! Print Expo last week and I felt privileged to peak inside. It is a beautiful artifact, to be sure.
facebook event
Book Launch & Installation
Double Live Music Sets
Double Dream Disc Jockeys
@ Double Double Land
PWYC (5-10$ suggested,
it’s your life & nobody will be turned away for lack of funds.)
7pm-10 pm *
Gallery time, print fair & calm mode.
Come see the works and have a snack/pick up some ephemera.
Sets by:
Dad Art
Blankets ( https://blankets.bandcamp.com/ )
DJ JD (Julia Dickens)
(Max Mohenu, laying the dance framework like it’s their birthday party, it is their official birthday.)
please feel free to invite or share this event with people you like to be around or who you think would enjoy themselves at this type of thing *~
To note: this is an event organized by people who are queers and artists and we are going to have a ball.