Cartoonist Dominic Bercier has published several comics and graphic novels since 2010 under his Mirror Comics brand. They received much praise from readers, reviewers and Treadwell was  nominate for a Joe Shuster Award and Aurora Award. In 2015 Dominic changed focus and did not release more titles under this imprint, but continued working with other publishers and creators, most notably on his Dominion Jack character in True Patriot Presents #2 #3 #4 by Chapterhouse Comics (which was collected into a self-published issue).
Now Dominic has announced a return to Mirror Comics on his blog here

“This is PopTerra, the newly minted collection of classic editions of graphic novels at Mirror Comics, a publisher that was active from 2010 to 2015 under my leadership as president and publisher.
Together with my collaborators and sometimes alone, I was able to build a small part of Canadian Comic Book History…
… I’m finishing my saga this winter. SIGNAL Saga, starting with #1, will be available in 2019, as a book series you can add to your growing library! Yes. The archives will be opened. Enter The PopTerra Collection : Ghost King: A Book of Changes, Treadwell, The Bird Caller, Mission Arizona, Like Never Before & Like Never Again: A Graphic Novella in 24 Hours – all will be made available in their original pristine digital editions online.
And SIGNAL Saga,  new, will follow, with its own digital editions, and in print.”

It’s great to see continued commitment by creators to self publishing independent comic books in Canada even after 8 years and all of the challenges that come with the medium and life. Taking new directions is important in evolving your creative endeavors but certainly there is something great about making your own comics which keeps creators toiling away year after year. Best of luck this year to you Dominic.
-Brendan M