Cover by Val Jr.

Exploring themes of light and darkness in a mythical setting is the new graphic novel Light, now seeking funding on Kickstarter. Light is the creation of writer Oldrich Stibor from Mississauga and artist Val Jr. from Brazil. This 40 page comic is planned to be the first in a series of stand alone issues. Red Right Hand Co. Comics is Oldrich’s new indie comics brand which he hopes to continue with more projects in the future. Comics were Oldrich’s initial draw to becoming a writer, but up until now he was primarily writing screenplays and prose novels. Recently though he “realized that i want my daughter to have the courage to chase her dreams, whatever they may be in life, and realize them. But i know I couldn’t teach her that if I didn’t lead by example”.

The kickstarter runs throughout July and includes several cover options and a package for retailers.