Our third issue is now available! Click the button below to download the pdf! We are distributing through gumroad to facilitate a pay what you want model. You can read the magazine for free by entering a price of 0 or you can help cover our costs for the magazine by donating a few dollars. Print edition will be available soon from our partners Studio Comix Press

Issue 3 Contents
- Cover art by Gary Boyarski and Elaine Will
- Feature interview with Gary Boyarski
- An Exclusive preview of Clanky by Sam Noir and Dave Franciosa
- Other Interviews with Erik Bitmanis, Francine Delgado, Jeff Burton, Alex Park, & Andrew Clark.
- Reviews of Shout Out Anthology and Burning Black: the Legend of Black Shuck
- List of what indie creators to see at FanExpo Canada
Our site and magazine are volunteer based and we always welcome new contributors. You can interview creators, writer reviews or subject based articles. Reply to this email if you are interested in being a writer in our magazine.
Thank you to our sponsor for this issue Hey Kids Comics Radio Show!