By Max aka Salgood Sam. Publisher
Well it’s been a busy summer for me personally, productive, wrapped up my last book and started work on Dream Life book two. I’ve been posted podcast updates of what I’m doing these days on my patreon too, you can find them here.
Been talking with Brendan and Sam about thoughts on what to feature in the next issue of Sequential Magazine. Our goal has always been to focus on looking for and drawing attention to lesser know Canadian creators, spotlighting those about to break big, and celebrate the success of those that have. So if you think that sounds like you, drop us a line and tell us about yourself or a creator you think deserves attention!
Featured below are tidbits from the last few weeks posts on our FB page, curated for your edification! Enjoy and share! Let Canadian cartoonists know you care! I’ve posted without pics for now, we have an issue with our CPU demands at the moment so keeping C-list light, but there’s lots of links to the Eye Popping goodies.
Item: Cauldron Magazine announced the Sep 3rd launch date of their #Kickstarter campaign, thats TODAY! This will be to publish their Fall 2019 issue. Casey Parsons provides the cover.
Item: Found a work in progress blog documenting the creation of a memoir by Kimiko Tobimatsu and Keet Geniza, Kimiko Does Cancer is about Kimiko’s experience with cancer as a queer person of colour, looks like potentially a rich topic, curious to see what they do. You can follow them on FB on their page here too.
Item: Just discovered myself, check out Sun’s blade, by Anouk. The story is momentary on break after what sounds like a busy summer, but 108 pages are up already for you to enjoy, start here. There looks to be a book you can get too, recently funded here.
Item: Another artist I was just introduced to is Paris Alleyne, check out his feed here.
Item: Another new find for me, Fauna aka Jenna Crawford’s Vanilla Mizrahi work reminds me of old Montreal Comic Jam comrad Jane Tremblay’s Evil Empres a bit at first glance, a bit more polished though, intrigued!
Item: Also recently introduced to Sanya Anwar‘s comic series ‘1001‘. A reimagining of the life of Scherezade: You can get digital version for free from her site here.
Item: Jay Stephens‘ new book is on the way, that’s the cover in our banner, it’s being published by the recently revived Black Eye Books! I ordered one myself, i’m biased but you should too! His local paper in Guelph spotlighted him here! Complete with a catchy headline! Good one. /s But seriously it looks like a substantial interview with our old freind.
Item: Pia Guerra was already rocking the comics world with her art for years now, but the last couple years she’s became a deft political cartoonist, here’s an article celebrating her work in the Washington Post.
Item: Renee Nault discusses her latest work, adapting Margaret Atwood‘s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, as well as women in comics and comic books as literature with the True North Country Comics Podcast here. I was just looking through a copy of he adaptation, it’s on my short list of things to spend birthday money on.
Item: Doug Savage shares his joy of Comic Jams and tells you why you should too in Four Reasons You Should Comic Jam. It’s true, I agree.
Item: Patrick Goddard‘s SECRET WORLDS comic, the recreation of a comic Patrick created as a teen! For some context Patrick is not a teen anymore! He’s a long time member of the Montreal theatre scene as a performer and writer, of late he’s been active in burlesque and works in publishing. The comic is a nostalgic and playful recreation of his adolescent creation he started drawing some time after attending my Making Comics class.
Item: Heads up, giant of canadian comics Rob Walton has a Kickstarter in the works for Ragmop! Here’s some production stills from the drive video for it. Keep your grapes peeled and on this spot for more news.
Item: Way early heads up, Koyama Press will have it’s fall 2019 Launch Party at The Beguiling! THU, October 17, 7pm.
Item: Last but far from least, here’s a look at the cover for Jason Bradshaw‘s next thing from Paper Rocket Comics, Things Go Wrong, just saw it posted to twitter! Been enjoying his instagram feed, think you’ll see snippets of the contents there. And his books are pay what you can on Gumroad.