If TCAF is your favourite time of year here’s an early look to get you ready for the most wonderful con of the year. At the end of 2019 TCAF sent out their acceptance notifications to creators. While guests are subject to change and confirmation, here is a list of some Canadians who have confirmed their acceptance on Twitter in no particular order.
- Awuradwoa Afful @rajieee_
- Mary Verhoeven @SOB_COMIX
- Brenda Hickey @CrazyAry
- Ally Rom Colthoff @varethane
- Trevor Henderson @slimyswampghost
- Jason Rodway @heavens_legend
- TO Comix Press @torontocomix
- Eggman Comics @eggmancomicsgng
- Haley Boros @hihaleyboros
- Boum @boumerie
- Juby @CutTimeComic
- Sfé R. Monster @sfemonster
- Hello Boyfriend (collective) @hello_boyf
- Meaghan Carter @mega_carter
- Jenn Woodall @jenn_woodall
- Nicole Chartrand @mocha_zombie
- Crystal Yates @gatesofglass
- Kate Drwęcka @thisiskatedee
- Davis Dewsbury and Great North Comics
- Cauldron Magazine Team
- POPNOIR editions
- Robb Mirsky and Read More Comix
Give them a follow so you can get to know them before the show!