By Salgood Sam

I’ve been checking out some new youtube channels and being more active myself this week. I spend most of my time shut in my studio normally anyway, but the last classes of my course this semester and a few shows I was going to do all have all been canceled.

My happy place.

The hobbit in me has mixed feelings. I can do two weeks in my home studio standing on my head. While still sad and guilty I was unable to wrap up my courses like I planned. All the same I’ll love having more time to work on my comics and play cool stuff on the cast screen. I was Inking when this came up in my playlist today, thought we should spotlight it here on the blog!

Jordan Aelick's comics!
Jordan Aelick’s comics!
Rotem Anna Diamant’s art

So first I recently came across Konrad’s channel Wednesday Night Reviews, “Southern Ontario’s Comic Hub”. I cued the last few of his shows up to my feed and ‘Talking Shop‘ #3 & 4 feature some great interviews with Rotem Anna Diamant, the president and librarian of the Canada Comics Open Library. And cartoonist Jordan Aelick who works at the library with the rest of the crew facilitating some of its activities. I’m new to both the channel, and i’ve yet to visit the library in person but have been looking forward to doing so. These clips were a nice discovery today while I was working. I’ll be adding them to the official Sequential playlist for sure!