Expozine Prize Winners

by BK Munn

In all the hubub around The Shutdown, we forgot to report on the winners of the Expozine Prize this year. The Expozine Alternative Press Awards Gala was held on March 11 at Café Cléopatra, in Montreal. The awards recognize the best publications presented in 2019 at last November’s Expozine small press fair in Montreal.

Here are the list of nominees, with the winners highlighted:

Comics (French)

Les petits garçons, by Sophie Bédard (Pow Pow)
La pitoune et la poutine, by Xavier Cadieux & Alexandre Fontaine-Rousseu (Pow Pow)
Apo, by Catherin (self-published)
Comment les paradis fiscaux ont ruiné mon petit déjeune, by François Samson-Dunlop (écosociété)
Nitnit et le mystère du lambda rose, by Henriette Valium (Upha Xpohnka)
Almanach des marées, by Pascale André & Jimmy Beaulieu (roche papier ciseau / colosse)

Nitnit et le mystère du lambda rose, by Henriette Valium (Upha Xpohnka)

Comics (English)

Nerd Jam, by Olivier Wilkie
Plummet, by Sherwin Tija (Conundrum Press)
The Cursed Hermit, by Kris Bertin and Alexander Forbes (Conundrum Press)
Sniff, by David Marino
Apologetica, by Ben O’Neil (Popnoir)
The Sleeping Clit, by Aude Fourest

The Sleeping Clit, by Aude Fourest

See the full list of other awards, including the zine and literary categories, here.