Sequential Magazine Issue 06 Now Available

The latest issue of our digital first Sequential Magazine is now available for download from our gumroad store. It is pay what you want so you can download and read for free or donate to support the magazine if you are able. This issue features the Cloudscape Comics group from Vancouver. The Cloudscape Comics Society is a non-profit comics organization based in British Columbia dedicated to publishing BC graphic novels and fostering a community where all comics creators can network with each other while developing their craft and continuing to push the boundaries of the comic book medium. As a far-reaching charity, Cloudscape has spearheaded comic book classes for the public, special events and talks on the medium, public artworks, and numerous other activities that engage the public with the fascinating world of comics.

Cover by Brendan Montgomery from Cloudscape Assets

Inside This Issue:

  • Feature Article on Cloudscape Comics interviewing their executive members and founder Jeff Ellis
  • Interviews with Cloudscape members Kelly Chen (SWKart) and PJ Patten
  • Retrospective article on Nelvana of the Northern Lights
  • Interviews with Cab, Scott Sawyer, Elaine M Will, Katie Sawatsky and Kate Phillips
  • Review of Code 45 comic
  • Brendan’s top 5 #CANCAF quarantine videos

If you’d like to volunteer to write for our magazine or are a creator who’d like to be interviewed email sequentialmag [-at-] . We are a non-profit group who wishes to help independent Canadian comic creators reach a wider audience.