Our latest issue and second for 2021 has just been released! Click the link below to get check it out. After our very special 80th anniversary issue, we are back to normal with great interviews of the best Canadian indie comics creators. But we still have a couple of 80th anniversary related articles. The continuation of our Queer comics article by Brian Montgomery and an interview with long time creator Ron Kasman by Sam Noir!
Inside This Issue:
- Feature Interview with the award winning creators of Ice Massacre the Graphic Novel, Tiana Warner and April Pierce
- A special pride month article celebrating Canadian LGBTQI2S+ creators continuing from our last issue
- A special article about using comic creation in schools to boost creativity and literacy in children
- Interviews with Karl Kerschl (ISOLA), Benjamin Rivers (Snow), Francois Vignault (Titan), Brenda Hickey (Halls of the Turnip King), Ron Kasman (Tower of Comic Book Freaks) & AC Turner (Frightmare City)
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