Sequential Blog founder Salgood Sam and Sequential Magazine founder Brendan Montgomery will be exhibiting at our home base of Montreal’s show the Montreal Comic Arts Festival. MCAF’s mission is to be a leading platform for the comic arts in Quebec and beyond, to broaden public knowledge of and engagement with the comic arts, and to promote cultural exchanges and interactions between creators, readers, and the public at large. Founded in September 2011 by François Mayeux and Myriam Lalumière, the Montreal Comic Arts Festival is a non-profit organization led by a board of directors. Mélanie La Roche is the current festival director.

The Montreal Comic Arts Festival will set up its tents on Saint-Denis Street, between Gilford and Roy, from May 26 to 28, to create a 1.2 km long comics stroll punctuated with activities, exhibitions and meetings. More than 250 comic artists, 160 exhibitors and 80,000 people are expected to attend the biggest celebration of comics in Canada!

The MCAF team, in partnership with the SDC Rue Saint-Denis, presents a program of more than 60 free activities around the theme “Creation: from imagination to reality”. Spread over three days, the program will be bilingual, free and open to the public.

Opening Hours

The Montreal Comic Arts Festival is an outdoor and free event. It takes place rain or shine. The activities and exhibitors are sheltered from the weather under tents.

  • Friday May 26 – 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Saturday May 27 – 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Sunday May 28 – 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Sequential Team

Sequential’s table will be between Rachel & Marie-Anne streets on Saint-Denis Street.

Salgood Sam will have several books for you to choose from and can sign any previous work. If you are interested in original art you’ll have to contact him to arrange for it to be brought. Dream Life book one, both issues of Revolver, Therefore, Repent & Dracula: Son of the Dragon will ALL be available at the table!

Brendan will be bringing print copies of Sequential Magazine to sell and help spread the word to attendees. He is awaiting a restock after selling out of some at TCAF but should have all issues available. Otherwise you can always pick them up on his store or read online.