VANCAF 2023 Information 2023-05-11 By: Brendan Montgomery On: 11/05/2023 In: British Columbia, Events, Vancouver
Sequential Magazine Issue 06 Now Available 2020-06-12 By: Brendan Montgomery On: 12/06/2020 In: British Columbia, Original Content, Profiles and Interviews, Sequential magazine, Uncategorized, Vancouver
Graphic novelist Kate Evans: Live In Vancouver 2017-10-04 By: Sequential On: 04/10/2017 In: British Columbia, Events, Previews, Reviews, Vancouver
C-List: What's up in Canadian Comics 2017-01-10 By: Max Douglas On: 10/01/2017 In: C-List, Comics, Crowd funding, Halifax, Hey Kids, Comix!, Montreal, New Books, Pretty Pictures, Reviews, submissions calls, Vancouver, webcomics, Week in Comics
C-List : May madness in Canadian Comics. 2016-05-06 By: Max Douglas On: 06/05/2016 In: Alberta, Awards, Breaking News, British Columbia, C-List, Calgary, Events, Halifax, Montreal, Ontario, Quebec, Summer postin', TCAF 2016, Toronto, Vancouver
The C-List: Baba Yaga, Silver Snail's Empty Shell, Toshiko 2015-08-07 By: Sequential On: 07/08/2015 In: C-List, Ottawa, Retailers, Summer postin', Vancouver
The return of Word Under The Street! 2015-06-20 By: Sequential On: 20/06/2015 In: Breaking News, Comics, Events, Jams and Social Ink, Summer postin', Vancouver, webcomics
C-list! Super every man, Sweet Romance, and stuff coming up! 2015-02-06 By: Max Douglas On: 06/02/2015 In: C-List, Events, Guelph, Hey Kids, Comix!, Montreal, Mortimer the Slug, New Books, Quick Notes, Vancouver
Colin Upton's Black Friday report on Today's tea: Gunung Dempo 2014-11-29 By: Sequential On: 29/11/2014 In: British Columbia, International, Just because, Podcast, Reviews, Vancouver
The C-List | Catching up with canucks! 2014-11-29 By: Max Douglas On: 29/11/2014 In: Alberta, British Columbia, C-List, Gatineau, Hey Kids, Comix!, Jams and Social Ink, Lethbridge, Montreal, Podcast, Quebec, Toronto, Uncle Upton’s neighbourhood, Vancouver, Week in Comics
Cartoonist Colin Upton has a thing about Tea! 2014-09-27 By: Max Douglas On: 27/09/2014 In: Breaking News, British Columbia, Uncle Upton’s neighbourhood, Vancouver
The 2400 Block of Main Part 2 2014-03-14 By: Sequential On: 14/03/2014 In: British Columbia, Uncle Upton’s neighbourhood, Vancouver
The 2400 Block Main Street 2014-02-26 By: Sequential On: 26/02/2014 In: British Columbia, Retailers, Uncle Upton’s neighbourhood, Vancouver
Uncle Upton’s neighbourhood 2014-01-10 By: Sequential On: 10/01/2014 In: Op-ed, Original Content, Uncle Upton’s neighbourhood, Vancouver
Camosun College announces its first annual comics conference in Victoria BC 2013-03-16 By: Max Douglas On: 16/03/2013 In: British Columbia, Comic Scholarship, Victoria
“I did Maus and I did this page.” 2013-02-18 By: Max Douglas On: 18/02/2013 In: Comic Scholarship, International, Sketch reports, Vancouver
Friday Flashback: The Comic Shop, Vancouver, 1978 2012-09-07 By: Bryan Munn On: 07/09/2012 In: Comic Scholarship, Friday Flashback, Retro, Vancouver
The C-List: Of Policarts, Prizes and Prints 2012-07-04 By: Bryan Munn On: 04/07/2012 In: Breaking News, C-List, Vancouver
C-list – a sunday in comics 2012-04-15 By: Max Douglas On: 15/04/2012 In: Awards, C-List, Events, International, Toronto, Vancouver
Gordon Reid, 1936-2011 2011-03-03 By: Bryan Munn On: 03/03/2011 In: Alberta, British Columbia, Obituaries
On Message: A Conversation With Joan Thornborrow Steacy 2011-03-01 By: Sequential On: 01/03/2011 In: Profiles and Interviews, TCAF 2011, Toronto, Victoria
Collect Them All: The Great Canadian Comics Critics 2011-01-21 By: Bryan Munn On: 21/01/2011 In: British Columbia, Comic Scholarship, Profiles and Interviews, Retro
A half hour with Colin Upton 2010-12-04 By: Max Douglas On: 04/12/2010 In: British Columbia, Comic Scholarship, Profiles and Interviews, Vancouver
Video walk through of the new Rand Holmes Retrospective 2010-07-03 By: Sequential On: 03/07/2010 In: Comic Scholarship, Edmonton, New Books, Vancouver, Victoria
Keith Jones on inkstuds 2010-07-02 By: Max Douglas On: 02/07/2010 In: Comics, Profiles and Interviews, Vancouver
True Loves | NXNW Interview with Jason Turner and Manien Bothma 2010-03-30 By: Max Douglas On: 30/03/2010 In: British Columbia, Profiles and Interviews, Vancouver
The C-List: Happy Birthday Inkstuds! 2009-11-18 By: Bryan Munn On: 18/11/2009 In: British Columbia, C-List, Montreal, New Books, Vancouver
Sully on Inkstuds 2009-11-05 By: Max Douglas On: 05/11/2009 In: Montreal, Profiles and Interviews, Quebec, Vancouver
Red Jumps to the top of Bookmanager sales lists 2009-11-03 By: Max Douglas On: 03/11/2009 In: British Columbia, Bryan's weekly best sellers, New Books