Sequential Magazine
Canada’s magazine for in depth indie comics coverage with interviews, reviews and articles.
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About the magazine
A revival of Sequential’s magazine edition by Canadian Independent Comic Book Wiki founder Brendan Montgomery.
We are a digital and print magazine dedicated to promoting the amazing independent work of Canadian comic book creators.
With mainly interviews and other articles we give readers insight into creators they may not already know to help build a more vibrant Canadian comic community. Our publication is made by volunteers passionate about Canadian comic books and distributed for free online. We bring artist’s alley to you!
The magazine is released thrice annually free online digitally to be accessible and is for sale in print after each year.
You can sign up for our email newsletter to be notified when issues are released.
Any and all questions including requests for coverage can be directed to :
Follow @seqmagazine on instagram and twitter for magazine specific updates
Click Here for information on previous issues of Sequential Magazine