A half hour with Colin Upton 2010-12-04 By: Max On: 04/12/2010 In: British Columbia, Comic Scholarship, Profiles and Interviews, Vancouver
The Comic Archive: shoptalk with comic artists 2010-12-01 By: Max On: 01/12/2010 In: Comic Scholarship, Montreal, Profiles and Interviews, Toronto
The C-List: Complete Lynda Barry at D+Q 2010-11-26 By: Bryan On: 26/11/2010 In: C-List, International, Jams and Social Ink, Montreal, New Books, Profiles and Interviews
The Drawn & Quarterly News Dump! | LYNDA BARRY on NPR: New Books: Tours & More! 2010-11-11 By: Max On: 11/11/2010 In: International, New Books, Profiles and Interviews, Retailers
Connor Willumsen on The Onomatopoeia Show 2010-10-23 By: Max On: 23/10/2010 In: Montreal, Profiles and Interviews