C-List | A week in comics from the North! 2025-02-08 By: Max On: 08/02/2025 In: arts news, Breaking News, C-List, Comics, Hey Kids, Comix!, International, political cartoons, Quick Notes, webcomics
The Return of the C-List 2025-02-02 By: Max On: 02/02/2025 In: arts news, Breaking News, C-List, Comics, Hey Kids, Comix!, New Books, Quick Notes, Quick Notes, Site Updates and Information, webcomics
We want to bring back the C-List 2025-01-27 By: Max On: 27/01/2025 In: Breaking News, C-List, Op-ed, Site Updates and Information, Week in Comics
Impacts Of AI On Comic Art | a conversation recorded at the Montreal Comiccon 6.6.24 2024-07-06 By: Max On: 06/07/2024 In: arts news, Media on Comic, Montreal, Original Content, Podcast, Sequential magazine, Sequential Podcast, Summer postin'
John Ward Launches First Virtual Creator Con 2024-05-31 By: Brendan On: 31/05/2024 In: Breaking News, Events
The 2023 Doug Wright Award Winners! 2023-04-29 By: salgoodsam On: 29/04/2023 In: Awards, Breaking News, Events, TCAF 2023, Toronto
The C-List! : Awards Festivals and Kickstarter season is underway! 2023-03-31 By: salgoodsam On: 31/03/2023 In: Breaking News, C-List, Comics, Events, funding, Hey Kids, Comix!, New Books, webcomics
Video Playlist: 80 Years and Beyond: A Virtual Symposium on Canadian Comics 2021-10-23 By: Max On: 23/10/2021 In: 80th Anniversary, Comics History, Events, festivals and conventions, Hey Kids, Comix!
Virtual Canzine 2021 Programming & Vendors listings! 2021-10-21 By: Max On: 21/10/2021 In: Events, festivals and conventions, Podcast
The C-List | Can-con Comics In Quarantine! 2020-04-04 By: Max On: 04/04/2020 In: Breaking News, C-List, Comics, Covid19 fallout, Digital, Hey Kids, Comix!, political cartoons, webcomics
C-List! Back from the dead, 2019-02-23 By: Max On: 23/02/2019 In: C-List, Crowd funding, New Books, Podcast, Publishing News, webcomics
The C-List | Week 8 of 2018! 2018-02-26 By: Max On: 26/02/2018 In: C-List, Comics, Crowd funding, Events, New Books, Publishing News, Regional posts
The C-List | what's up in comics land in Canada that isn't named Gatesomething… 2018-02-12 By: Max On: 12/02/2018 In: Awards, C-List, Hey Kids, Comix!, International, Publishing News, Regional posts, webcomics
The C-List : TCAF is coming… 2017-02-17 By: Max On: 17/02/2017 In: Breaking News, C-List, Comics, Digital, Hey Kids, Comix!, Jams and Social Ink, New Books, Publishing News, webcomics, Week in Comics
The C-List : Johnny Canuck punched Nazis! 2017-01-25 By: Max On: 25/01/2017 In: Awards, C-List, Comic Scholarship, Crowd funding, Gatineau, Halifax, Hey Kids, Comix!, International, Jams and Social Ink, Montreal, New Books, Ontario, Ottawa, Podcast, Pretty Pictures, Previews, Profiles and Interviews, Publishing News, Quebec City, Retailers, Reviews, submissions calls, Toronto, webcomics, Week in Comics
The C-List – Canadian English 2017-01-16 By: Max On: 16/01/2017 In: Alberta, C-List, Events, Guelph, Hey Kids, Comix!, International, Montreal, Pretty Pictures, Publishing News, Quick Notes, Quick Notes, Toronto, webcomics, Week in Comics, Windsor
C-List: What's up in Canadian Comics 2017-01-10 By: Max On: 10/01/2017 In: C-List, Comics, Crowd funding, Halifax, Hey Kids, Comix!, Montreal, New Books, Pretty Pictures, Reviews, submissions calls, Vancouver, webcomics, Week in Comics
C-List : May madness in Canadian Comics. 2016-05-06 By: Max On: 06/05/2016 In: Alberta, Awards, Breaking News, British Columbia, C-List, Calgary, Events, Halifax, Montreal, Ontario, Quebec, Summer postin', TCAF 2016, Toronto, Vancouver
Sights and Sounds of San Diego Comic Con 2015 2015-07-15 By: Max On: 15/07/2015 In: Awards, Breaking News, Events, International, Podcast
the Syn-thology! 2015-06-30 By: Max On: 30/06/2015 In: Hey Kids, Comix!, Jams and Social Ink, Montreal, New Books, webcomics
The return of Word Under The Street! 2015-06-20 By: Sequential On: 20/06/2015 In: Breaking News, Comics, Events, Jams and Social Ink, Summer postin', Vancouver, webcomics
C-List : lots of new comics and that's totally a wig. 2015-03-03 By: Max On: 03/03/2015 In: Awards, C-List, Comics, Crowd funding, Events, Hey Kids, Comix!, Mortimer the Slug, New Books, Previews, Profiles and Interviews, TCAF 2015, webcomics, Week in Comics
C-list! Super every man, Sweet Romance, and stuff coming up! 2015-02-06 By: Max On: 06/02/2015 In: C-List, Events, Guelph, Hey Kids, Comix!, Montreal, Mortimer the Slug, New Books, Quick Notes, Vancouver
The Spilt Ink Podcast 005: Details, texture & simplicity! 2015-01-04 By: Max On: 04/01/2015 In: Montreal, Op-ed, Original Content, Podcast
Spilt Ink's Expozine 2014 Report! 2014-11-18 By: Max On: 18/11/2014 In: Events, Jams and Social Ink, Montreal, New Books, Sequential Pulp
The 2400 Block of Main Part 2 2014-03-14 By: Sequential On: 14/03/2014 In: British Columbia, Uncle Upton’s neighbourhood, Vancouver
C-list | way overdue… 2014-03-10 By: Max On: 10/03/2014 In: C-List, Crowd funding, Hey Kids, Comix!, Jams and Social Ink, Mon Qui Towne, New Books, Reviews, TCAF 2014, webcomics
C-list : Best of lists and blasts from the past 2013-12-14 By: Max On: 14/12/2013 In: C-List, Comic Scholarship, New Books, Previews, Retro, Week in Comics