Launched last week and already fully funded on Kickstarter, Paint The Town Red is a noir-inspired rom-com about monster babes (of the more femme persuasion) who kiss, date and have dramatic pasts, presents and futures!
Paint the Town Red includes traditional favourite monsters: vampires, werewolves and demons all learning to try and co-exist with one another.
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This project is a work of love, a collaboration between two queer creators: Tasha Mukanik (Windy) and J Kiakas (Wallflower) most recently known as Windy & Wallflower.
It is great to see more projects by diverse creators in the Canadian comic book community. With funding already reached there is certainly support for their efforts. The Shout Out anthology by TO Comix Press was also well funded and is debuting this May at TCAF and heading to print right now. I encourage anyone who wishes to make comics to tell their stories and learn along the way. You won’t be perfect at first but keep trying and you don’t even need to print your first work, just keep creating until you are ready to share. Comics are for everyone and Canadians welcome all.
Learn more on their kickstarter
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