The wait is finally over! Sequential Magazine Issue 8 is now available for purchase here with all proceeds supporting the 80th anniversary celebration efforts! This is a special extra large issue to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the first comic book published in Canada!

Sequential Magazine Issue 8 is a special oversized edition of our magazine to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the first comic book published in Canada. With 11 articles (4 of which are our usual feature length) and 36 pages it is an extensive look at Canadian comics from the past and from all corners of the country. For just a toonie you can get to know Canada’s comic book history and help support our celebration efforts this year. We are planning other projects which you can learn more about at
Issue 8 Contains:
- The First Canadian Comics by Ivan Kocmarek
- Overview of 1970s Canadian Comics by Martin Boruta
- The 1980s’ Matrix Graphic Series creator interviews by Sam Noir
- Interview with Dominic Bercier on the 1990s by Brendan Montgomery
- Queer Comics and Creators in Canada from 1970s to 2000 by Brian Montgomery
- Indigenous Comics Creators interviews by Riley Hamilton
- Maritime Comic Creators by Chris Bousquet and Tony White
- Comics from Quebec by Genevieve Raza and Brendan Montgomery
- Comics from the Prairies by John Swinimer
- A Brief History of B.C. Comics by John Ward
- The Future of Canadian Comics by Brendan Montgomery
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