Sometimes the C-List is just a way for me to keep track of my own bookmarks and web-browsing. Here are a few things that caught my eye over the Xmas break so far…
Item! Ethan Rilly (Pope Hats) is interviewed by Tom Spurgeon as part of The Comics Reporter’s Holiday Interview series. Good choice, as Rilly was one of a small handful of creators working in the traditional floppy comic book format this past year who really stood out from the crowd. A smart fresh talent with dazzling drawing ability whose work deserves wider recognition.
Item! Faith Erin Hicks’ Friends with Boys graphic novel debuts in February after a web serialization.
Item! I see from this post by Paul Gravett that besides books by Hicks, Kevin Huizenga, and a bevy of international names that may be unfamiliar but still fascinate, IDW is releasing a Little King collection in February.
Item! Speaking of upcoming books, A Fool’s Gold by Chris von Szombathy was listed as part of D+Q’s Fall line-up but I’m not sure if it’s out yet? The artist’s previous book was nominated for the Wright Award’s Pigskin Peters award a few years back so he’s one to watch.
Item! New Nexus by Baron and Rude scheduled for Dark Horse anthology book.
Item! Seth gets a rave in the Globe and Mail.
Item! Michael DeForge is interviewed about the strip he does for Maisonneuve magazine, “Rescue Pet.”
Item! I wish more comic shops would do this so I could restart the Sequential Bestseller List. My local shop, The Dragon in Guelph, reveals its 25 bestselling books for 2011. (scroll down a bit)