Some quick comics links.
Item: What if they had a comic book convention and nobody blogged about it? I wonder this a lot. I mean, people blog about the toast they ate for breakfast, but not if they went to a comics convention, met cool cartoonists and bought incredible works of art or even Alpha Flight action figures? Thankfully, someone finally posted a show report from last weekend’s Toronto Fall Con, put on by Hobbystar. No cosplay, apparently.
Item: The Sony PSP is launching a comics store with 500 titles, according to this blog posting I found linked on a tech blog. With all the talk about Kindle coming to Canada, I found this PSP news charmingly retro. No Alpha Flight, apparently.
Item: The latest (and last, at least for awhile) performance of Canada’s only graphic novel rock opera, Le Cyc, took place in Guelph, ON last week, and the university paper’s Zack MacRae has full coverage.
Item: What is the hog taxi? And what does this Orangeville, Ontario cartoonist know about it?
Item: The Globe and Mail put out a list. I found it lacking.
Item: The email for Sunday’s booklaunch of L’Oie de Cravan’s newest publications, Bebete, by Simon Bosse, and La nuit sans fin by Thierry Horguelin, came to late to do any good, but here is the notice so you can check out the books elsewhere or figure it out somehow.
And that’s it, see you in December!
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