Hi folks, Max here!

It’s been a while since we did one of these eh?

With the increasing Enshittification of Meta and Xtwitter, a return to old school blogging seems like a good idea!

What are the C-Lists?

The C-lists are pretty simple, we’re posting collections of links to stuff, can-con comics related and some bigger industry news.

Cover art by Dave Cooper for ‘Invaders from the North: How Canada Conquered the Comic Book Universe’ by John Bell.

The goal of this site has always been to help make our home grown comics industry more visible and findable, both for Canadians and the rest of the world.

This isn’t a Nationalist goal so much as it’s a cultural and economic one. As a large geographical nation with a smaller population even within our boarders the regional comic and arts communities can become quite isolated from each other so it’s often about connecting us to eachother more.

But we also live to and work in the historically shared market space with the US along with the UK and english commonwealth. As a result it’s easy for our whole industry to get swamped out in the volume of that signal.

Sequential is a frequency booster, and the C-List – the name being a bit of self effacing pun – is hopefully a way to boost our signal, a re-share clearinghouses of links to can-con comics goodness!

The cover image here is by the great Dave Cooper, who’s at Angouleme right now, and not so far that i can see on Bsky but soon we hope, until then you can find him posting here on FB. The book is by historian John Bell.

Item: * Boum, aka Samantha Leriche-Gionet has always been a big participant in things like 24hr comics and hourly comics day, the later just happened and here’s her excellent series of posts for that on bsky! : Links [bsky] [home site] [patreon]

Item: * There were a BUNCH of other Canadian participants in hourly comics day, for highlights check out the bsky profiles of Jason Turner, Karine Charlebois, and Eric Kim for theirs. Erik for hours 2-4 he created this collage celebrating Black History Month]. Did anyone else do one? Poke us to let us know!

Item: * We were excited to see that Michael DeForge is active on the new platform and sharing some of his more recent work! Very cool. : Links [Patreon] [bsky]

A screen cap of Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas‬' work being installed in the British Museum next to the Rosetta stone! Amazing!
A screen cap of Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas‬’ work being installed in the British Museum next to the Rosetta stone! Amazing!

Item: * ‪Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas‬ ‪has been sharing some great new work and highlights of his amazing adventures on a new profile on the butterfly app too!

And he’s launched a rebuilt personal web page. : Links [Home site] [bsky]

Item: * Ron Kasman launched his latest book “The Cosmic Con” at Queen Books on Thursday January 23rd.

You can check out some previews of it and purchase it here!

He was on True North Country Comics Podcast recently to talk about it here. : Links [Publishers author profile page and book listing]

A screen cap of one of Craig's daily warmups from his bsky account.
A screen cap of one of Craig’s daily warmups from his bsky account.

Item: * Craig Taillefer has a Kickstarter running for his next book, Sîan: Thief of Khor-Shavarah #1.

The art looks great as always!

He’s been sharing pages from it on bsky, along with warm up sketches and other goodies. You should follow him for his art posts if nothing else! : Links [Home site] [bsky] [kickstarter]

Item: * Very pleased to see some biting political cartoons from Michael de Adder on the new platform regularly.

He’s always great! : Links [substack] [bsky]

Item: * Jonathan Burrello is posting on the platform and FYI he’s got a successful kickstarter still running here!

Item: * Toronto Comic Jam has also set up camp on bsky, for the moment their FB group is still active but founder Dave Howard is here both personally and manning the new Jam profile. [Comic Jam bsky] [Comic Jam FB] [Dave’s bsky]

Some sexy art by Robin Bougie

Item: * Here’s a bunch more Canadian creators to follow! Renee Nault posts here. Jason Lapidus and Group of 7 Comics are pretty active. Gary Taxali posts his art here. Eric Orchard is as well posting a lot of his WIP there!

Robin Bougie is too, sharing his hot pin ups and other things. Amanda Griffiths posts stuff here. Blanchet Marie can be found here, here and here! Simon Roy updates often here. Kate Beaton is in the mix! Jay Stephens updates with lost of WIP and fun comics.

Did you know former The Nib publisher and current The Toxic Avenger comic creator Matt Bors moved to Canada?! Yeah, he’s one of us now! He’s on both substack and bsky. Saka Sketches is posting here. Pop culture nerd icons Ryan North and his Dinosaur Comics are there!

A talk about independent comic arts in the ex-YU to be given by Ivana Filipovich in Vancouver. Wednesday, February 19, 7 PM Alcuin Society, Vancouver

Cab has a bsky profile going and a Substack, she posted a January 2025 update here. Hanne posts things on this page. Dan Parent is here. Ivana Filipovich is updating regularly here. Ol’ Joe ollmann updates a bit less often but showing some WIP on his next book here!

Some WIP from a post by Joe ollmann

Jim Zub is posting. Davis Dewsbury is here. Doug Savage posts his Savage Chicken comics here. Richard Pace is posting here. Scott Chantler has an active profile going. Andrew Hawthorn is here!

There’s many more but I’ve got to leave some for the next C-List! Don’t forget to follow us on Bsky so we can follow back and add your comics posts to future updates.

Item: * Canadian comics institutions that can be found on Bsky include, The Doug Wright Awards, Strange Adventures Comix & Curiosities, The Beguiling, Conundrum Press, Drawn & Quarterly, True North Country Comics Podcast, TCAF, MCAF, and our sister publication Sequential Magazine is here.

Item: * And to wrap things up, check out a bit of Can-con comics history with ‘Top 10 “Canadian Whites” Bell Features Covers with Ivan Kocmarek‘!

Who are you and why this?

Salgood Sam, is Max Douglas backwards. I’m a comics author, profesional artist, former teacher and I started this site decades ago out of what I consider to be enlightened self interest an personal curiosity.

And also as a reason to have to write regularly, to service a disability driven need. Being both dyslexic and wanting to be able to write my own comics, I had to have a reason to write daily. I won’t be updating here that often these days but it did indeed help with that a great deal!

FYI All things Salgood can be found via this tree I keep. And, yeah I’m on Bsky too, here.

Cartoonist and site founder Max Douglas, aka Salgood Sam working on his bike last summer.
Cartoonist and site founder Max Douglas, aka Salgood Sam working on his bike last summer.

I have a long personal history of trying to participate in community building, hosting Comic Jams in the past, serving on a couple grant juries. And generally fighting my hermit tendencies to connect with other artists and stakeholders. And of course building this site as a committed never-for-profit effort to help promote Canadian comics, and elevate voices within that community the most neglected by other comics and cultural media.

That has included trying to be inclusive in sharing the work of armatures and professionals both. Minorities, first nations, LGBTQIA2+, the Neurodiverse and at risk communities of all kinds.

And along with just wanting to share the burden of that effort for my own sanities sake, and even pass the torch here at some point in the future. If you’re at all interested in doing the same please do reach out and let me know. I would love to turn this into more of a collective effort.

With that
this will continue to be
a mostly positive
arts & culture blog.

We will at times share relative political and op-ed content too. We always have but in these times it’s all the more important. But the tone we want to strike is elevating and celebratory as often as we can.

C-lists are going to be based around things people still post to social media and mailing lists, rather than their own domains often. So we’re going to be linking to those often FYI, in case that’s a concern? But where we can we’ll include links to other options, and will cite the links at the foot of each entry as well as in the body of the texts.

For social media, as much as we can, links will go to bsky or other more independent and anti GenAI, and otherwise less ethically compromised platforms. So far bsky is quickly growing to be a pretty viable place for people to reconnect and escape the hegemony of marketing commerce driven algorithms. I’m enthused about that.

If you’ve looked at the site but didn’t get how to make it work for you yet, check out this great unofficial users guide to get the best results out of the platform by Debbie Ohi. It really helped a lot in setting up my own profiles and curate feeds of just exactly what I want to see at any given time, and find and connect with relevant communities.

Back to the blog here. I started this in 2002 before the rise of FB and the other 2.0 walled gardens. We kept it up with minimal hands on deck for a couple decades, but more recently people were just not being sent to sites like ours anymore. We got more spider traffic than human at one point.

In that period it seems like fulfilling the OG mandate was done more effectively via the Facebook profile so for several years I’ve done that. We also had a revived print Sequential as well, a sister publication helmed by Brendan Montgomery. After 17 issues and a best of collection, Brendan has handed off the rains to Christian Muise. Who’s planning to shift to an annual publishing schedule for the magazines. More on that to come.

If you are a Canadian Comics person of some kind? Creators, publishers, editors, promoters, retailers or just fans? Follow our new profile here on bsky! If you’re any of those things we’re likely to follow you back! It’s one of the key ways we collect this info right now still and help build community.

Our FB profile is still active for now too, you can message us there still. But we’ve closed the twitter account a while back. We have a new email, that’s also an option to send us your news. Press releases and links should go to sequential at sequentialpulp dot ca.

And no, we do not do advertorial posts or sell advertising on this site.

To check out some historical C-Lists use the tag