Your semi-regular link round-up!
Item: Robin interviews Dave Cooper on this week’s Inkstuds podcast.
Item: Guy Delisle’s Pyongyang graphic memoir, the photocomic version.
Item: Frank Santoro on Chester Brown’s use of grids in Yummy Fur.
Item: The Globe’s Katrina Onstad bemoans the dearth of single woman comic strip role models, post-Cathy, and even wrings a quote out of the normally reticent comics historian and critic Brad Mackay.
Item: Comics scribe J. Torres is interviewed by the Calgary Herald about his childhood. He talks about Farley Mowat. ‘N’ stuff.
Item: Michel Gagné serialized his wordless graphic novel, The Saga of Rex, over several years in the Flight anthology. Now it is being presented all together in book form published by Image.
Item: Svetlana Chmakova, whose Nightschool Vol. 4 is just out from Yen Press, is the subject of a video interview with Patrick Delahanty.