Item! Reclusive West-Coast cartoonist David Boswell (Reid Fleming, World’s Toughest Milkman) is profiled by the Globe and Mail.
Item! Dj Kid Koala brings along his latest graphic novel Space Cadet to his show in Winnipeg.
Item! The lads from UK video podcast Those Video Guys walk you through Canadian superhero webseries/comic book, Heroes of the North.
Item! I think Seth was speaking in Toronto last week. This is a charming little report from Ryerson journalism student Yeugenia Kleiner, who really gives the old journalist powers of observation a workout.
Item! I showed this blog post to my better half and at first she said she wasn’t sure she could ever have sex with a comic book reader again but by the end of it she was making disturbingly ironic comments like “Awesome!” and “Hot!” In my own defense, I had never seen half of these.
Item! The second volume of Scott Pilgrim in Japanese is now out.
Item! Von Allan’s Stargazer is reviewed by The Concordian newspaper.
Item! If there’s one thing I think we can all agree on, it’s that Peter Jackson has “better storytelling instincts than JRR Tolkien.”
Item! Two reports from people who (like me) did not attend Wizard World Toronto. Hobbystar and Shuster Awards organizer Kevin Boyd, and Comic Book Daily’s Brent Chittendon.
Item! David Collier’s Chimo (Conundrum Press) gets its official comic book shop release this week through Diamond (JAN111080). Published late in 2010, it is really worth checking out. People are already calling it “The Asterious Polyp of 2011.”