Lots of local comics news, some international:
Item! The legends are true. ICv2 has the lowdown on the upcoming anthology from U.S. publisher Abrams, The Someday Funnies. I think the announcement of this book was one of the highlights of last year’s San Diego con. What is it? It’s a collection of comics from the 1960s that was never published and features art by Jack Kirby, Moebius, Harvey Kurtzman, Art Spiegelman, Frank Zappa and tons more, plus an essay and notes by Jeet Heer –all of which the book’s original editor, Concordia University professor Michel Choquette explains in this interview.
Item! Dustin Harbin has still more on The Wright Awards and even has a bit of a debate with The Shuster Awards Kevin Boyd (the Wrights’ Brad Mackay chimes in as well).
Item! Rebecca Kraatz will belaunching her wonderful Snaps graphic novel in Halifax June 16.
Item! A double-dose of Inkstuds: First, Robin interviews Zach Worton about his massive graphic novel historical fiction The Klondike. Second, Caitlin McGurk from The Center for Cartoon Studies posts her TCAF panel with Adrian Tomine, Jillian Tamaki, and Lorenzo Mattotti. I shit you not: those 3 people were on a panel together in Toronto.
Item! Kevin at the Shusters blog catches an interview with one of the participants in the new Alpha Flight comic book series from Marvel. (Canadian content, y’all!)
Item! Your boring policart link of the day: Retired civil servant uses computer to become political cartoonist.
Item! A profile of London, Ontario comic book store Heroes on the occasion of its anniversary.
Item! Learn dynamic anatomy from Captain Canuck creator Richard Comely in Cambridge.
Item! A new comic book about Canadian treaty rights launches in North Bay Ontario.
Item! Learn comics in Edmonton
Item! D+Q has posted video from MTV’s interviews with hometown heroes like Joe Ollman and Pascal Girard. Can’t see the vids in Canada on MTV’s site but you can on D+Q’s.
Item! Kagan McLeod’s Infinite Kung Fu is over 400 pages and is coming from Top Shelf
The Someday Funnies is a Canadian book in more ways than one. It has comics by Pierre Berton — you can’t get more Canadian than that. Pierre Trudeau promised to do a strip but didn’t come through — to be fair, he was governing the country at the time. I think Marshall McLuhan was also invoved at one point.
And as Salgood Sam has already noted elsewhere, it was coloured in Montreal!