Item! Anders Nilsen visits the studio of cartoonist/musician Genevieve Castree and her musical partner Phil Elverum’s studio. Castree is working on a book for D+Q.
Item! D+Q previews Seth’s The GNB Double C graphic novel, the sequel to Wimbeldon Green.
Item! Speaking of Seth, since he commented in private conversation to me about Steve Bissette’s call for a boycott against Marvel over its treatment of Jack Kirby, his legacy and heirs, I asked him if he would summarize his thoughts for public consumption. He very graciously complied, writing a short piece on the Marvel Boycott and Kirby for my personal blog where I am trying to keep track of the boycott. Interested readers might also sample this 2009 Seth interview with Brian Heater at The Daily Cross Hatch where he talks about his love of Jack Kirby.
Item! In non-D+Q news, Koyama Press publisher Annie Koyama is among the featured guests on the most recent edition of The Comix Claptrap podcast. Go listen!
Item! And speaking of Koyama Press, I really love this Michael DeForge drawing for The Beguiling featuring a ton of classic and not-so-classic comics characters.
Item! Canadian publishing bible Quill and Quire has announced that Arsenal Pulp Press will be following up Gord Hill’s bestselling 500 Years of Resistance graphic history of colonialism and Indian warfare in North America with The Anti-Capitalist Resistance Comic Book, scheduled for Spring 2012.
Item! Cartoonists J. Bone and Andy Belanger are the focus of the next Toronto Cartoonist Workshop “Industry Night” on Friday, August 12. The occasion will be the launch of the Belanger-illustrated comic book Kill Shakespeare #12 and the J. Bone floppy DC Retroactive: Wonder Woman –The 70s #1.